Triforce in ocarina of time
Triforce in ocarina of time

triforce in ocarina of time

You can imagine my surprise, therefore, when I learned that there is a bizarre subculture of fans who are obsessed with tracking down an elusive treasure within the game, the triforce itself. I have played it from beginning to end probably more times than any other game, have explored every nook, cranny, and pixel I can explore without debugging or using a GameShark, and can describe in loving detail everything that happens. Released in late 1998, the game has garnered quite a fanbase (and, inevitably, the backlash fans who decry that, because it is so highly regarded by everyone, it must be a pile of overrated garbage). The Great Fairy will give you the Magic Meter, as well as an upgraded spin attack.I have made no secret of the fact that I believe Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time is probably the best video game ever made. Enter, stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby. Once you get to the top, place a bomb next to the cracked wall.

triforce in ocarina of time

Kill the two remaining Skulltulas, and climb your way up to the top. Once you get to the end of the canyon, kill the Skulltula on the wall with your Slingshot and climb up to the platform above. Once the rocks stop hitting your shield, you'll have a few seconds to run towards the top of the mountain, before the volcanoe erupts again. Make sure you have your Hylian Shield equipped and press "R" to duck down the shield will protect you. Continue up the path until the volcano starts erupting. To blow up the rock on the other side of the gap, you will need to time the bomb's explosion so that when you throw it, it will detonate right next to the boulder (bombs have about a five second fuse). Walk up Death Mountain Trail and take follow the incline to the left of the red flag. Death Mountain (Magic Meter & Sword Spin Attack) Items needed : Hylian Shield, Slingshot, Bombs

Triforce in ocarina of time